Put Me in Summer and I’ll be a… Happy Snowman!

I’m a reader (if you hadn’t already guessed that). In order to be a writer, one must read. It is mandatory, in my opinion. So, I have a nice big list of what books I’d like to read this summer and I wanted to share it with you.

(I’m probably forgetting books in this list–particularly in the library section– and this is by no means complete or in stone.)

First! The stuff I need to finish:

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (I’ve been working through this for a very, very long time. I’m at the point where I’ve got 100 pages left and I’m sick of it, but don’t want to waste as far as I’ve gotten. I’m finishing this via free audiobook.)

The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Last book in the Mistborn Trilogy, though he does have other books set in the same world)

Want to Read (and already own):

Going Postal by Terry Pratchett (don’t technically own this yet. Waiting on a gift card.)

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal

The Fall of Arthur by J.R.R. Tolkien (This is in poetry form!)

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson

The Fire Within by Chris d’Lacey

 Library List:

The Hidden Gallery by Maryrose Wood

The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater

Redwall books (No particular ones) by Brian Jacques

And then there’s Beta-Reading. Not sure if I have permission to tell you the titles or who wrote the books. But both of the books are awesome (as are the authors).

So what’s on your reading lists for the summer?



32 thoughts on “Put Me in Summer and I’ll be a… Happy Snowman!

  1. Ooh, I see some great books on this list! (Going Postal, Hero of Ages, Hidden Gallery) I’m reading Shades of Milk and Honey right now, and so far I really like it. I’ve been doing the whole “Yeah, I’ll read four books!” Thing too, and it’s…yeah.

    Let’s see, books on my summer reading list are: Redshirts by John Scalzi (that is if I can get past all. the. swearing.), the second Flavia de Luce book, your book. Other books I’d like to read are Steelheart, more Terry Pratchett, and maybe some of the gazillion books I’ve bought on sale but never actually read.

  2. Ummm…I don’t have a nice little list. There’s a few books I got for my birthday and still haven’t read. One is a writing book, two are fiction books, and I think two are other non-fiction. I can’t remember any of those names. No, wait…the fiction ones are actually from Christmas and are called “Chains” and “Forge.”

    Yeah. Nothing elaborate or anything.

  3. Ummm… Well, Way of Kings and Words of Radiance were on my summer reading list, but since I already finished them… I have no clue. I guess there’s nothing specific on the list… I’ll just read whatever I find at the library.

    Most boring reading list ever, I know.

      • Hehe, I suppose so.

        It’s good. It took me a while to read it… partially because those thousand pages are just a teensy bit daunting, but I’m glad I did. Words of Radiance is even better. *waits impatiently for Sanderson to write book three*

                • Indeed. Rereading from the library… I don’t think I’ve ever checked out the same book twice with the exception of a few picture books (7 sibs) and The Three Musketeers, which I have tried to read twice and failed.

                  • Yup. I think there are a few I’ve reread from the library, but only ones that it had been so long since I’d read them, I didn’t even remember what they were about. Hehe, I tried to read Three Musketeers once… I don’t think I even got to page two before I gave up. *headdesk*

                    • I am a near failure at reading classics in general. I don’t like Dickens. I haven’t managed to get all the way through anything by Dumas. I didn’t finish Don Quixote. I’m still working through Les-Mis almost a year and a half. I’ve read MacBeth and that is the extent of my Shakespeare.
                      Though, to my credit, I have read three Jane Austen books.

                    • Me too. I just… can’t seem to understand them. I had to read a Christmas Carol for literature a few years ago, and I don’t think I really understood…pretty much anything of the story. I haven’t read Shakespeare, yet, really, but my cousin gave me a version of Hamlet that has the original right beside the play translated to modern English…so I might be able to get through that one.
                      Mmmm. I haven’t read any Jane Austen yet, but I did read Jane Eyre a year or two ago, and I think I did fairly okay with the language… except when the characters started monologuing. Then I had no clue whatsoever what they were talking about.

                    • There was a lot that… I don’t know. I fail to see why high schoolers are made to read that (I read it by choice). Dickens, I can understand why. But Jane Eyre…

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