
Hiya, reader-peeps!

Summer is upon us and with that comes summer plans and summer TBRs and plans to go swimming or camping or gardening or start a new novel.

Olaf references Bert’s penguin dance from Mary Poppins when he performs “The Summer Song.”

Hey, Katie. What are your plans for the summer?

So glad you asked!

1. 100-4-100!

In case you don’t know, 100-4-100 is a challenge hosted by Go Teen Writers in  which you write 100 words every day for 100 days. It starts June 1st. You’re allowed to work on one project only (there are exceptions to this rule), with one grace day a week and one grace week for the entire challenge. I’ve done it a few times before and it really does help get through drafts.

tumblr_nk306n7L7o1qdjpm4o1_500.gif (500×280)

2. Vacation Bible School

VBS is always fun. This year, I am working in crafts, where I will be explaining where the stickers go and that paper is not for eating.

3. Editing!

Because LASER is not done yet. I hopefully will be getting it to betas within the next few weeks.

4. Writing!

Editing does not translate well into 100-4-100.

I think I’m going to spend the last few days of May outlining this new novel and trying to figure out what the heck I’m doing with it because I am having a lot of trouble getting it started.

We’re going to do something scary and see how fast we can plot this thing using Cait’s method.

Why is it scary? Because 1. we are resorting to outlining at all, 2. it’s fabulous Cait plotting and while she is fabulous, this is her plotting and it may not work for me (because I am not Cait), 3. we have to keep editing during this, and 4. there are only a few days left in May.

5. Reading

Because we can’t forget this.

I honestly don’t know what exactly I’m going to read this summer. (Any suggestions?)

6. Driver’s License!

Because I don’t have one yet. And I need one. And once I get one, I will have no reason that I can’t go to the library and get  books. Or a job. Or both.


7. Ch1Con! 

This will be my first writer’s conference ever and I will also be going with Lily J. one of my bestest friends ever! SO EXCITED!!!

Quiz: Which Frozen Quote Should Be Your Life Motto?8. Secret Project. 

This is a secret for now. So I’m not telling anyone yet.


I feel like I’m missing something big, but I’m…


9. Blogeversary! 

Pokémon Gifs- Remember watching this vid and thinking "Why are they so much cuter when they can talk?"

Spiral-Bound will be two years old in a little more than a week! Not yet sure how we will be celebrating.

10. My Birthday

Which is in August. Not sure yet how we will be celebrating.

So, that’s some of what I am going to do this summer.  What are your summer plans, reader-peeps? And is anyone else going to Ch1Con?


9 thoughts on “Summer!

  1. aHHHHH I’m so very curious to know how the Cait Plotting Method goes for you! (I’m laughing because it isn’t even like a method, it’s like Cait being deranged but STILL I FEEL COOL THAT IT’S BEING CALLED A METHOD #DAYMADE) Aaaand I should stop talking about myself in 3rd person. Ahem. Anyway , I demand an update to know how it goes for you *nods*
    Also YAY for writers conferences! 😀 That sounds exciting! And also keeping small biblical children from eating paper and all that. SO FUN. HAVE A GOOD TIME!
    And it’s not like I’m obsessed with books or anything and you TOTALLY OPENED IT UP FOR SUGGESTS (ahem) but. If you haven’t read A Gathering of Shadows I think you need it in your life ASAP. Just sayin’. And I am very wise. #humble


      Thank you! I shall do my best to learn from the conference and to use my powers to keep paper out of the mouths of small children.

      I actually haven’t read A Darker Shade of Magic, yet. >_> I need to.

  2. Wow, it’s going to be your TWO year blogeversary soon? I remember when you started Spiral-Bound!
    Have you ever read Larklight by Philip Reeve? It’s a steampunky, sci-fi-ish adventure that’s very good. Or, there’s a book called Heap House that is also good. At least, the first few chapters have been. I’m reading it at the moment and it is very unique! (Plus it has illustrations.)

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