Inquisitive Wednesday– Quirky Questions for Readers, Part 6

It’s Inquisitive Wednesday! On IW, I answer 5-10 questions, be they from awards, tags, or reader input.

I’m going be answering the 55 Quirky Questions for Readers tag. 55 questions about books!

"You want weapons?We're in a library! BOOKS! The best weapons in the WORLD"- The tenth Doctor. Why i love him so much. He loves books
Tenth Doctor reads books. Books are cool.

I’m going to answer 5 questions at a time. Here we go!

26. Favourite Cookbook:

Probably my great-grandmother’s church cookbook. While there are only a few recipes we actually use in it, it has a lot of sentimental value for me (and an awesome banana bread recipe).

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction):

Oh boy… I’ll come back to this question.

28. Favourite reading snack:

Ice. Seriously, I eat ice all the time. But a bowl of cereal before bed with a good book is awesome.

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction):

Um… Give me another minute to think about this.

29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience:

I don’t know. I tend to not read books when everyone else is reading them. So, I don’t really care about hype. And even then, it’s never ruined my reading experience…

30. How often do you agree with the critics about a book?

Who’s critiquing? I don’t know. Most critic reviews that I see are plastered on the front or back of the book and say things like “The Dazzling Conclusion to the Sparkle Trilogy! A glittery adventure you can’t get off your hands! ~Vampires Weekly”. And those are all positive. So… yeah, I guess I agree with them to some extent. I try not to read books I don’t like.

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction):

Sigh. I guess I had better answer this one now… um… GOT IT.

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I absolutely loved it and it did inspire me. I read it when I was struggling with my writing this past August. The Raven Boys gave me insight into writing style, how to balance dialogue and exposition. And it helped me realize that I really enjoy writing urban fantasy. What about you guys?

Hype? Critics? Inspirational reads? Snackies? Tell me in the comments!


12 thoughts on “Inquisitive Wednesday– Quirky Questions for Readers, Part 6

  1. First off… I’m amused by the fact that it’s still Tuesday my timezone. Hehe, sorry, this is totally irrelevant.

    I’ll be honest, I never eat while I’m reading…

    Hype? Oh boy. If there’s too much hype about a book, I won’t touch it with a ten mile pole.

    I honestly can’t think of the most inspirational book I’ve read this year. I suppose… inspiration in what way? When I read The Book Thief, it kind of inspired me to write something beautiful. Sadly, that inspiration went nowhere. But…I’m not sure I really read anything that inspirational this year.

  2. 26. Um…does my mom’s stack of really old cooking magazines count?

    27. Oh dear. Um… One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Non-fiction. Helped change the way I look at life, especially when thinks aren’t going “well.” Besides that, though, I’ll list the Violet books, Dark Halo, and The Purpose-Driven Life.

    28. I rarely eat while I’m reading. Unless I’m trying to get in a few pages during lunch or something. But over the years, I think when I’ve actually eaten a snack while eating, it’s been mostly yogurt or cheez-its. Cheez-its are the best. 🙂

    29. The Fault in Our Stars. I’m not sure if the hype could be blamed for ruining my “experience,” but I definitely did not like it as much as all the…hype people. Seriously guys. Inappropriate stuff, especially that famed humor. So disappointing.

    30. Confused with this question as well…

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